Mid-Fi Prototype and Usability Testing
I instructed a team member to do the mid-fi prototype and we conducted our first round of usability testings utilizing this version. I tested 2 people on the mid-fi and as a team we had a total of 5 tests.
Through this we found that:
- Users wanted a way to opt out of the tutorial
- Wanted a back button
- Needed a way to go between each tabs
UI Style Guide
This was the first project we did within our class so we did not have a style guide. However, one of the team members created the logo for Greek Clean and we created a color palette using the logo instead. We collectively agreed that green was the perfect color since it is supposed to represent clean and earth.
Hi-Fi Prototype
After discussing the iterations with my team members, we went to working on the iterations. Each one taking on a different task to be more efficient. We changed the prototype to ensure users could navigate between tabs. We also gave the option for users to opt out of the tutorial. In addition, we added tabs for users to go back. Before our presentation, we did conduct 2 more usabiltiy testing to see if our users could easily navigate and it was a success!
To view the final product, you can go to [